Not everyone can afford to save or maybe they have recently bought an asset and have less cash for emergencies. Thus, to overcome the sudden financial crunch a people can take out short term loans which are also called a payday loans. This loan is given easily and instantly unlike banks and other financial institutions […]
With global stock markets falling due to the mortgage crisis, and the economy generally going into hard times because of a lack of credit, are we going to have a repeat of the great depression seen almost a century ago? Of course, nobody wants to see what happened in the great depression happen again, least […]
Unemployment during the great depression was at one of the highest levels ever in history. In America the unemployment rate reached nearly 25% at its peak. This graph shows the percentage of Americans unemployment from just before the Wall Street Crash in 1929, to the outbreak of World War 2 in 1939. Life during the […]
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 followed one of the most dramatic economic booms that America and the world had ever seen. As everything was going so well, millions people decided to invest in the stock market. Banks were prepared to lend money to people investing in stocks as the stock market kept going up. Therefore people […]